“Do you have a Family Permaculture Project or a landscaping company*?

I have both  

There is a maxim that you must keep in mind in your project, and it is the following:

Either you optimize it, or it will end up consuming you in:





There are 3 systems that have allowed me to optimize projects and, among other things, improve plant-human collaboration, productivity, and save 31% in resource and maintenance costs. That is what I am talking about to the designers who sign up here..


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WARNING! If talking about permaculture, strategies, regeneration, impact, finances, freedom, skills development… makes you uncomfortable, don't sign up, because I'm going to share mine with you.


By the way, in the second email I'll share something that, if I'd had it before, would have saved me thousands of euros and a lot of headaches. It's something that I'm 90% sure you don't have today. 


  *If you have a smaller project or even a one-person project, you'll only be interested in 2 of the things I'm going to tell you. Although they'll be very interesting, that's for sure...